
Archive for August, 2008

I wish I knew that it was about to happen…………I wish I knew………only if I ever knew…………” She was weeping with her cries shouting and yelling these words…..I WISH I KNEW……..as she lay unconscious in the hospital…………….but the truth was she would never have known………She only wished if she could by anyway would have been successful in predicting the future…….anyway she would have known what did the future hold for her……for him……for them……….

Engaged for a year now…..the most beautiful couple anyone would have ever seen…….the most compatible people……..truly madly deeply in love……..life and strength that’s what they always considered each other…..no words were needed to describe how they felt……….be it happy or sad…………restless or amazed…….eyes were the medium of their communication……………everything was so imperfectly perfect for them…….

Always together they were the heart and soul of the friend circle and of course of each other…….

It was one of the usual days when they had planned an outing……trekking being one of the many things these 2 always enjoyed……….plan was made and everything was decided……..the difference being that it was not only the 2 going but the entire lot of 20 wackiest and craziest friends who were heart and soul of each other…………..so happy all were and also they were so excited about this trip together…………….

Today she is crying out her heart in her sleep……….hoping somewhere that this trip would never had been planned in the 1st place………only if they had canceled it that day…………..only if she would have said a NO………he would be sitting next to her today………….

The day before the trek they had met discussing all about this wonderful day when all the friends will be together……..just then he went quiet………..as quiet as the calm sea with a deafening noise of silence holding within itself pain and doubts and fear……………..“i don’t feel good bout this trip………….mmmmm……….”

“what’s wrong???????? u were the one who had planned this trip and wanted all friends to go together………..suddenly why?????????? you were waiting for this day weren’t you?????????”

“ya but……….i just don’t feel good………….lets chuck this plan………..maybe next week………..”

“you alright?????????”


“its ok dear lets plan next week”

he saw the sadness creep in her eyes………….and that was one thing he never wanted to see…..

“i’ll come to pick you up at 5:00am tomorrow be ready and no being late”

“what???????????? but………….you were like…….now suddenly why????????”

“coz i love you”

she smiled and hugged him………….he was reluctant on the decision he made but din’t wanna break her heart………….break his friends heart………so he decided to go……..

so it was the THE DAY……..he had picked her up……………..remaining friends had arranged for cars and bikes…………………the troop was all set to conquer the world…….

After a long journey they reached the point from where the trek was to start……..and also they entered the moment which was to change their life completely…………

Just before starting they had decided to rest……….she was searching everywhere for him…..but he was no where to be found……..suddenly she saw him………standing against a rock he was standing looking at the vast horizon spread in the sky……………she walked towards him………hugged him and said softly……..”i love u”

he just smiled………looked at her and then kissed her forehead……….“on the way up u be with the other troop members……….i will be walking behind you…………but……”

“why??????? why others??????? why not you??????????…………..”

she was surprised not angry……………..”coz i want you to be with them……….we will always be together…….after so many years all friends are here…………i want you to spend time with them also……….”


“you trust me???????”

“more than myself”

“do as i say……………” he held her close kissed her and looked straight in her eyes……”promise me you won’t run back……….come what may………….”

“what are you saying this for………….i am not getting you……….your look is scaring me………..”

“i promise i will come back to take you…………..just promise me……………..”

she shook her head………her eyes were filled with tears………….she held him………..and suddenly someone called out to them………..”ROMEO JULIET can we start????????????? or do u wanna continue????????” everyone bursted out laughing and so did he…………but she was silent…….as they started she did as he had told her………she looked back once……..”come what may………i will always love you“……..he smiled and said……..”i will love you always……even after death……..”

The journey started and went on……….everyone was enjoying and were cracking jokes and playing pranks……….suddenly all the laughter turned to mourns………and all smiles into cries………..landslide took place just as they had crossed the pass…………they ran and fell and jumped and did all they could to survive………not knowing what happened and if all were fine they started searching for everyone……..some had fallen a feet below the pass and where brought up by ropes……..after all were rescued………..they realized someone was missing………..someone they had forgotten about………and it was then when she realized what he wanted to say……….what did his words meant…………what was his fear the day before………he knew it was going to happen………why couldn’t she understand……..why din’t she know…….

Today in the hospital……..ended another love story just to begin again…….one heart stopped beating just to live in the other heart again……….and those eyes closed forever to see the world through someone else……..

Memories is all what stayed behind to haunt everyone……..the pranks the fun and the joy………the friendship………..

But for her it was not just memories……it was love….it was her love……..his love……….it was to love him till she lives……….it was to be loved after his death…………

“i love you……….i promised i’ll come back……i am here with you……promise me you will never look behind……….you will never cry…….promise me”……….she shook her head weeping…..looking in his eyes……..”i love you…………….i will always”

Somewhere in the two different rooms we all knew something happened………..as we rushed we saw her smiling in peace………peace in which she rests forever………..it was then we realized that love does exists…………..a love which starts in the soul of the hearts and dies with its death…………….love started in their heart and ended with their death……….uniting them together with their engagement ring neatly placed together on her side table……..and a note saying “together we lived…….together we die…….to all you my friends……with all your love bid us goodbye……..”

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