
Archive for October, 2008

Love notes

Lets walk miles together today,

with the one we love by our side,

Lets hold each others hand,

and become each others guide,

Lets take each step forward together,

on the path called LIFE,

Lets cry from within and,

laugh through the eyes,

and tell all that in love,

the heart rules the mind.

Show the sun that he is

not the only one who brightens our life,

Show the moon that his

calmness is not alone alone

who is there all night,

Show the stars that they

alone don’t fall and make

wishes come true,

Show the world that

stories of broken hearts in love

are not new.

When I saw You

for the first time,

My heart skipped a beat……

When i walked

with you a few miles,

I felt the coolness in the day heat……..

When i spoke to You

I knew what You are to me You knew…….

So today I decided to confess


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