
Archive for September, 2009


I watched him smile……the innocence on his face as he talked to her…..the sparkle in his eyes which just made me feel so light deep in my heart….the hair dancing as the winds just blow over them as if teasing them to play and dance……the strong lean body of his blocking the sunrays and appearing at its best as the sunlight shone more brightly all around him………..I wish he could listen to me….but what will I say…..i was mouth tied  as he gazed at me and then smiled…..i went all cold when he started walking towards me with her by his side………catching her soft tender hands in his strong calm and warm hand and talking to her softly in her ears afraid that their secret will be out to the world…..she smiled at every step with him knowing that she can’t fall when he is there by her side………clinging on to his firm arm for the first time that day she gazed at me…….and smiled…..then she waved with that beautiful innocence that it made me believe that angels do exists in this world…..a wink at me, made me smile with tears in my eyes……..i waved back and chuckled…..

They came and stood infront of me……..still smiling to the brim was this little angel with flowers in her hand and dreams in her eyes…..dreams which she knows will be fulfilled by this man standing next to her……she looked at him and he bent down as she whispered in his ears……he smiled with tears in his eyes as she said………”We miss you mom”…….she kept the flowers at my grave and kissed my graveyard stone where engraved was my name and “I’ll be with you angel forever and always”.

They turned and walked off……leaving me alone in this wait when they will return………waiting for that wink, that smile…..those words……These were the angels in my life……..my husband and my daughter……who knew I was here waiting for them everyday………In the hope of meeting again……..somwhere our hearts knew that this was the place………where heart can feel despite the eyes cannot see………….

May b this is what is called LOVE afterall JJ

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