
Archive for May, 2012

Just U and Me!!!!!!!!!

A distant dream to just be me,

Where there will be, only love, everywhere I see.

No One to judge me for How I look,

No one to judge me like the cover of a book.

I walk along someone who simply will care

for me, for him, for all that we share.

No one to accuse me based on my past,

I have left it behind, it is buried at last.

I wish to be loved I love them too

but they dont want me, like an outgrown pair of shoe.

They break my heart into pieces everytime

I wish for someone to say “You are mine”

Why cant I too have a heart to stay

Why am I always the last in every say

Why is my voice always left unheard

Why is the hardest leason only for me to learn

Why cant life ease my pain

I have lost everything and hae nothing to gain

I wish love to find me and stay forever after

to ease my pain and emptiness and fill me with laughter

I wish to be somewhere where I could be

just as I am, JUST YOU AND ME!!!!!!

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